What is S.W.A.M.P.?
S.W.A.M.P. stands for South West Area Modelers of Plastic.
The Swampers are a group of builders of plastic scale models. Our members have a wide range of interests including aircraft, autos, armor, figures, ships,sci-fi and wargaming.
We meet the last Saturday of the month at 9:00 am at the Westlake Recreation District 1 located at 1221 Sampson St. Westlake, LA 70669.
Every meeting we discuss some facet of scale modeling. Topics can include basic construction techniques, painting, decal application, weathering and more. No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate or master builder, you can learn from the demonstrations.
There is no obligation to join S.W.A.M.P.in order to attend any of our meetings.
IPMS/USA is the International Plastic Modelers Society. It is a group of chartered chapters around the country, we are one of them along with several others in LA, that network together to not only learn about the hobby, but to promote it to non-builders as well. Membership in IPMS/USA is not required, but is highly encouraged for the benefits you can receive.
We meet at 9:00 am on the last Saturday of the month at Westlake District 1. 1221 Sampson St. Westlake, LA 70669
SWAMP President - Bradley Moreland For more information about our chapter or contest, please send us an email.